About GAPP

About GAPP


Once again, racist, homophobic hate materials were recently dropped on neighborhood driveways.BUTOnce again, we WON’T let hate have the last word!Join Greater Anderson Promotes Peace (GAPP) and Anderson Churches for Racial Unity (ACRU) for an evening of learning and discussion.Wednesday, October 11, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PMAnderson Center, 7850 Five Mile Road, 45230Rabbi Ari Jun, […]

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Art Exhibit: Painting, Poetry, and Sculpture

GAPP and ACRU welcome Dr. Joan Ferrante and NKU students with Mourning the Creation of Racial Categories (MCRC) for An Art Exhibit: Painting, Poetry, and Sculpture Tuesday, September 12, 7:00 PM Location: Anderson Hills Church, 7515 Beechmont Ave. 45255 This exhibit includes poetry, discussion and 10 sculptures created by MCRC artist Monica Naymar. The group […]

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GAPP and ACRU Annual Summer Book Discussion

GAPP and ACRU host our (hybrid) Annual Summer Book Discussion with Dr. Mark Mussman, author of Steal the Street: The Intersection of Homelessness and GentrificationWednesday, August 9, 7:00 PMLocation: Lutheran Church of the Resurrection1950 Nagel Road or on Zoom    Dr. Mark Mussman is the Director of Education for the Greater Cincinnati Homeless Coalition.  Steal the Street […]

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Supporting LGBTQ+ Lives: Learning to be Better Allies for Queer Kids

GAPP and Heritage UU Church are hosting a 2-part seriesSUPPORTING LGBTQ+ LIVES: LEARNING TO BE BETTER ALLIES FOR QUEER KIDS Friday, May 197:00 PM-9:00 PMLocation: Heritage UU Church, 2710 Newtown Road, Anderson TownshipThese programs will answer questions and encourage dialogue and understanding about critical issues for:folks who support LGBTQ+ inclusionlong-term allies looking for community connectionsparents of queer, […]

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Supporting LGBTQ+ Lives: Learning to be Better Allies for Queer Kids

GAPP and Heritage UU Church are hosting a 2-part seriesSUPPORTING LGBTQ+ LIVES: LEARNING TO BE BETTER ALLIES FOR QUEER KIDS Friday, May 127:00 PM-9:00 PM Location: Heritage UU Church, 2710 Newtown Road, Anderson TownshipThese programs will answer questions and encourage dialogue and understanding about critical issues for:folks who support LGBTQ+ inclusionlong-term allies looking for community connectionsparents of queer, […]

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Over-the-Rhine People’s Movement Tour – In-Person

GAPP and ACRU continue our exploration of homelessness, displacement and gentrification with The Greater Cincinnati Coalition for the Homeless on 2 tours of Over-the-Rhine led by Dr. Mark Mussman.Participants may choose one or both tour options.Virtual Over-the-Rhine People’s Movement TourTuesday, April 18, 7 PM via ZoomRegister at  https://virtualOTRtour.eventbrite.com In-person Over-the-Rhine People’s Movement Walking TourSaturday, April 29, 10 AM-noon (with our […]

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Over-the-Rhine People’s Movement Tour – Online

GAPP and ACRU continue our exploration of homelessness, displacement and gentrification with The Greater Cincinnati Coalition for the Homeless on 2 tours of Over-the-Rhine led by Dr. Mark Mussman.Participants may choose one or both tour options.Virtual Over-the-Rhine People’s Movement TourTuesday, April 18, 7 PM via ZoomRegister at  https://virtualOTRtour.eventbrite.com  In-person Over-the-Rhine People’s Movement Walking TourSaturday, April 29, 10 AM-noon (with our […]

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Homelessness, Displacement, & Gentrification 101

February 7, 2023, 7:00 p.m.GAPP and ACRU welcome The Greater Cincinnati Coalition for the Homeless with guest speaker Melissa Mosby. The event will be in-person and available via Zoom.Heritage UU Church, 2710 Newtown Road, 45244Melissa Mosby brings her story of housing insecurity due to displacement in the West End to those it can help, by building […]

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Annual Commemorative March

As a member of the MLK Coalition, GAPP invites you to attend events honoring Dr. King on  MLK Day, Monday, January 16, 10:30 a.m.The Annual Commemorative March begins at the Freedom Center. The March will proceed to Washington Park for a brief interfaith service, concluding about 11:30 a.m.The, come across the street to Music Hall […]

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GAPP’s 18th AnnualNew Year’s DayCandlelight VigilOur Dreams for HumanitySunday, January 15:00 – 5:30 p.m.  Peace Pole Garden in Beech Acres Park6910 Salem Rd., Anderson Township January 1! A brand new year lies ahead.What are your dreams for our community and all people? You’re invited to offer a brief reading, speak words from you heart that express your hopes and dreams, […]

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