
Quilts at the Freedom Center

Join GAPP for a visit to the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center

Saturday, August 30

11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at the Freedom Center

For the Special Quilt Exhibit: And Still We Rise: Race, Culture, and Visual Conversations

Through permanent and traveling exhibits, the Freedom Center shares the stories of freedom’s heroes, from the era of the Underground Railroad to contemporary times, challenging and inspiring us all.

The beautifully handcrafted quilts featured in And Still We Rise were created by an international group of artists from the Women of Color Quilters Network and narrate the history of the African American experience, capturing the stories of freedom’s heroes, ranging from Frederick Douglass to Mae Jemison to the first African American President. Through the accessibility of their colors, patterns and symbols, these quilts can relate stories that enable conversations about sensitive topics from our history, furthering the conversation of racial reconciliation in America.

Museum Admission:

Adults: $14
Seniors 60+: $12
Children ages 3-12: $10

Parking available at the Central Riverfront Parking Garage at the Banks and at Fountain Square.

Please RSVP via email to so that we know how many to expect. We will wait inside the lobby of the Freedom Center until everyone has arrived.

Please call or text 513-368-9967 if you are delayed!

Note: This is not a guided tour, but there will be opportunity for discussion during and after we view the exhibit.

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